In case a site environmental investigation is required, whether if following the conclusions of the Phase I assessment or if as a direct order from the regulators (such as in a case of a spillage of a hazardous material), Wintest’s consultants characterize the site suspected as being polluted and submit for the approval of the regulators a sampling plan for soil, soil gas, air or groundwater, depends on the type of suspected pollution.
The sampling plan is an important step for verifying or refuting the suspicion of pollution at the site. The plan is based on previously gathered data on the site and is required to be informative and detailed yet concise, in order to meet the regulatory standards and the clients’ needs and to eventually receive results which will leave no doubt regarding the placement of pollution at the site and the size of the pollution, should it exist.
Wintest’s consultants are expert in sampling plans preparation, fitting the requirements of both regulators and clients, plus providing budget evaluation and detailed timetables until the end of the project.